Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we read more of “Castle in the Attic” as a class. Then, we started our new unit on Multiplication and Division by multiplying by 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s. The homework is pages 88-89 #1-10. We also had library today where Ms. Zimmerschied showed a video on Remembrance Day to remember why we recognize Remembrance Day, as it is coming up on Monday and we have our Remembrance Day assembly on Friday.

We had to have a class talk after lunch about Social Emotional Learning and treating others with respect. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of issues between students in the class as Grade 4 is a pretty big transition time into learning how to get along with others and being friendly with anyone. We talked about how we do not need to be best friends with everybody, but we need to be civil with everybody and show respect. We talked about not laughing at others when they are hurt, but helping them and letting others play with you even if they are not your best friend.

We had our first day of gymnastics today and I was so impressed with the kids’ abilities on many different types of gymnastics equipment! WOW!

Then, the students worked on creating their medieval buildings in groups with cardboard.

Lastly, we had our first ever classroom meeting. The point of classroom meetings are to check-in with how each student is doing by referring to the zones of regulation. We then share congratulatory items to thank other students in the classroom. Then, we pose classroom issues and how we feel about them and vote on solutions to try out. I thought it went really well and was great for students to hear about others’ feelings consequential to various issues happening in the classroom.

Hot Lunch forms also got handed out today and are due November 16/18.

The spelling test is also tomorrow!


Ms. Wilks

2 thoughts on “Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

    1. It was really great to have these talks, as it’s so important to share our thoughts and feelings as a class to figure out how we can resolve conflicts and do better as a whole class 🙂

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