Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a special event – a carving presentation. The school is going to be doing a really awesome project. Students are going to come up with values that are important to our school and then the carver is going to decide which animals on a totem pole represent those traits. Today, a speaker came in to give a brief overview and introduce the kids to the project.

After, students had time to work on their Social Studies projects. The good copy of the Social Studies report for the Provinces and Territories project is due on Monday. Students will be expected to divide the work between their partner and themselves to get it done if not finished in class. Students are expected to write out their good copy on a separate sheet of lined paper after editing their rough copy in their booklets.

Then, we finished Hotel Transylvania and had our snack. Some students decided to stay in to watch during recess.

Following recess, students started their Unit 2 Math Pop Quiz (diagnostic – it does not go on the report card, but allows us to see how your child is doing so far in this unit before the Final Test). I will mark these within the next few days and post them on Fresh Grade. Then, students had a lesson with Ms. Norman.

After lunch, we worked on finishing peer editing of our Autobiographies and the good copies of our Autobiographies as well. The good copy is going to be due on Tuesday. A lot of students got significant parts of it done already today, which is great!

At the end of the day, students finished their Math diagnostic quizzes, wrote their planners, and cleaned up.


Ms. Wilks

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