Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we had our Math Test on place value, which means that we will be starting our next unit: Multiplication & Division tomorrow! The students also did their Daily 5 stations where they wrote about Remembrance Day, did Word Work practice for spelling, had a guided reading session, worked on their All about Me book or read with a partner and looked up new words.

Then, we watched a Minecraft Biome Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un5jZH5n-qE and the students had to draw a picture of different biomes on a worksheet in Minecraft blocks/images. I thought it would be a fun way to start our new Science unit of Biomes by adding a Minecraft spin to it 🙂

Some more of the students were able to use watercolour to paint their Starry Night artwork.

The Biome Minecraft sheet is due tomorrow if they are not done it.

Our All About Me books are also due on Tuesday (next week), so they have a week left to complete it. We have been working on it since mid-September, so they should be pretty far into it.

Our spelling test is also on Thursday and tomorrow we have library!

I have looking to borrow some knitting needles if anyone has any spares we can borrow (small size, maybe 5-6 mm). 🙂 – I am continuing to teach kids one-on-one how to knit for our Christmas knitting project!


Ms. Wilks

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