Thursday, June 16th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with working on our art for Father’s Day and finishing buddy cards. Then, students had Music and then recess and snack.

Following snack, students had more time to work on their art and then we talked about energy and how it transforms and moves between beings/objects. We looked at two simulators for heat transfer and how energy changes forms. We discussed multiple types of energy and how they can be converted in glow sticks, the sun, light bulbs, etc.

After lunch, students presented their last literature circles! I am still waiting for some students’ booklets to assess completion and students are reminded to remember to bring their work to school. I am also collecting novels as well. Then, we did a silly art activity with students drawing the head for their character, another random student drew the body without looking at the head, and then someone else drew the legs, and then we opened them up and looked at our silly characters.

Then, we had DPA and played Race Pictionary in teams.

Reminders: Science Light Simulation worksheet for tomorrow, return novel, and hand in literature circles booklets.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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