Dear Parents,
Today, we started off with talking a bit about John Cabot. We discussed how he wanted to find a shorter route to get to Asia by water and how he ended up in Atlantic Canada. He was from Italy, but he sailed for Britain. Then, we reviewed more graphing on the board, focusing on pictographs and bar graphs and their elements. I handed out a checklist for the graphs. Then, students worked on Unit 7: Lesson 1 pages 256-257 #1-5. It is homework if students did not finish it in class.
After snack and recess, students wrote down their weekend journal outlines. The weekend journal prompt is: if you could pick any age to be right now, what would it be? e.g. 20 years old, 15 years old. Explain why with three body paragraphs. Please remember to use the checklists.
Then, students did typing and then coding/book creator/their Science project.
After lunch, we played an Inferencing Bingo game where students had to infer details about situations and then they found evidence in a piece of writing of why sharks are actually quite smart and don’t just kill everything they see like they are often assumed to be/do.
Then, students had extra recess and then Community Time.
Students need to finish their student-led conference portfolio with you and then have parents write down 2 stars and a wish to hand back to me.
Have a great weekend!
Reminders: (lots of things coming up)
-Weekend Journal – due Monday
-Literature Circle Meeting #2 on Tuesday, May 17th
-Science Presentation (Animal Adaptations) on Thursday, May 19th
-Literature Circle Meeting #3 on Thursday, May 19th
-Spelling Test on Friday, May 20th (moved from the Thursday, May 19th)
-Literature Circles Quiz #1 on Friday, May 20th (Super Fudge study Chapters 1-5 and Trapped in Ice study Chapters 1-9)
-Rugs due June 1st
Ms. Wilks