Dear Parents,
Today, we started off with students observing the growth of the class plants and drawing/making observation notes in their booklets. Then, we did our Spelling Test. I have already handed these back to students and will be posting them soon on Fresh Grade. After, students went to Music, had recess, and then snack. Students watched as I struggled with the Wordle – I still haven’t figured it out 🙁
After snack, students did another assessing risks activity about online safety. I also announced to students that they will be having a Health Test next Thursday, April 14th on Unit 2 of Health. The study material is the Unit 2: Internet Safety booklet. Then, students had until lunch to work on their Stop Motion Art.
Following lunch, I talked to students about potential books they could borrow/sign-out from me to bring home for their At-Home Reading Program Log to encourage them to enjoy reading. I hope this will help jumpstart some into finding new books they enjoy. Then, we did our Daily 5 stations.
After, we had a fire drill and then DPA. Following DPA, we did a reading on omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores, and then students completed two pages of the booklet. It is homework if not already finished in class today.
Have a good night!
Ms. Wilks