Tuesday, March 29th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reviewing some more long division and then students worked on their own to answer three questions one-by-one and we took them up in between. We will continue to practice this so that they are ready for more advanced division in future grades. Then, I went over some of the questions from Unit 5, Lesson 8, which was assigned to students as work after: #1-3, 5-7. It is homework if not done. Using their division and multiplication skills, students will be able to figure out if they for example have a 15 cm length and need to split it into 5 parts, how long each segment should be and divide it up equally by this calculation.

After, we had snack and recess. Following recess, students were assigned a job to investigate properties of living things (as opposed to non-living things) and how the five senses work on more of an advanced bodily level. This is the start of their unit of Living Things which includes a project on animal adaptations at the end. I have set up a microscope in our classroom for students to examine various plant and animal slides in order to see their cells and anatomical make-up. It should be really cool 🙂

Then, students worked on their Optical Illusion Art. They will have one more class to work on this and it is due on Friday this week.

Following lunch, students started to create their main character and one of their supporting characters by mapping out character traits, drawing, and describing a character. This character will be starring in the fictional story they will be starting to write soon. Very excited to read these!

Then, we had planners, clean-up, DPA, and then students went to Music.

Reminders: Moon Phases & Tides Quiz on Tuesday next week and Spelling Test next Thursday (not this week).

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks


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