Friday, March 4th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with Math Minute, class read-aloud, then did a Kahoot competition on Fractions of a Set. We worked on Fractions of a Set a lot yesterday and then students were given textbook work to complete. Unit 5, Lesson 4 Pages 184-185 #1-11. This is due Monday if students are not done.

Then, we had recess and then did our Weekend Outline. Students were expected to highlight an area of growth from the last Teacher Comment section and then write it at the top of the new page and highlight in the checklist what they were going to work on. This will help them learn from teacher comments and continue to improve their writing. The journal prompt: Write a story about Ms. Wilks. Due Monday. Then, students did Typing until lunch.

After lunch, we worked on our persuasive writing conclusion and then students started writing out their complete rough copies.

Then, we had community time.

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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