Thursday, February 24th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute and then I used this website: Pattern Block Simulator:

to show students a variety of fractions with pattern blocks.


This is also a neat website for building fractions:

We modelled some fractions and then I assigned Unit 5: Lesson #1: Questions 1-9, 12 and students had a bit of class time to work on this. It is homework if not done in class.

Then, students went to Music, had recess, and then snack.

After snack, I taught students about the Earth’s revolutions and rotations. We learned that 60 000 days is how long it takes Neptune to orbit the sun! We talked about some Moon Phase vocabulary as well including gibbous and crescent.

Then, we worked on mapping out the points for Argument #1 of our persuasive essays on the best pet to have. We are working on “leveling up” our writing by using three details to explain each individual reason. If not done, the first Argument organizer is due on Monday.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations, played a word association clue game, and then we wrote down our weekend journal prompt.

The prompt this time is: Write a story where one of the characters unexpectedly (make it so that Ms. Wilks can’t see it coming) turns evil at the end or mid-story. Students are challenged to make them turning evil make sense and yet make me surprised when I read it 🙂 This is due on Monday.

Then, students had Community time and were allowed to do an activity of their choice, play the fractions game, or code on the iPads.

Have a good long weekend! (No school because of PRO-D Day tomorrow).


Ms. Wilks

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