Friday, February 18th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute and having a discussion about some of the conflicts that have been happening at school. We talked about how students are not permitted to use sticks or rocks to throw or hit others. We talked about treating others the way we want to be treated and strategies to deal with problems. Also, we discussed not taking things into our own hands when someone breaks rules or hurts our feelings to defend ourselves, but instead telling a teacher and/or walking away. Pokemon card trades are also not permitted at school and students are only allowed to bring Pokemon/Yugioh/misc. cards on Fridays and take them out during Community time only.

Then, we did a Math review, as the test is on Tuesday. We reviewed a lot of questions on whiteboards about area and time.

Then, we had snack and recess.

After recess, students worked on their Social Studies projects in groups and then we worked on our persuasive writing introductions. We talked about what a thesis is and how to structures our introduction paragraphs.

We started with fun facts, general information, then the thesis, and arguments.

After lunch, we continued to work on this a bit more and then students did their typing program.

At the very end of the day, we had planners and community time, and clean-up.

Have a happy long weekend! No weekend journal this weekend.


Ms. Wilks

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