Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started with our Math Minute and handing in our Indigenous stories that the students have been working on throughout the past few weeks. Then, I went through the review for the Math Test for the upcoming Math test on Tuesday (please see picture attached). Students should be studying in preparation for Tuesday, especially because there is no school on Monday and they will have extra time to really study and prepare for this.

Then, I taught students how to figure out all of the possible rectangles for a certain area. We talked about if given 12 cm squared as an area, you start at 1 x ____ = 12 cm squared and then work your way up until you start to repeat numbers. The length is the long side and the width is the shorter side of the rectangle.

e.g. for 12 cm squared

1 cm x 12 cm

2 cm x 6 cm

3 cm x 4 cm

4 x 3 – starts to repeat, so there are 3 unique rectangles for this.

Students were assigned page 165 #1-4 and it is homework if not finished in class already. Students should be using a ruler to draw their rectangles to get into a good habit.

After, we had snack and recess. Following recess, we talked a lot about addictions – gaming, alcohol, smoking, and gambling. The students really engaged in this discussion around addictions and we talked about signs of addictions. Please review with your child if they have any questions about addictions that they didn’t have answered today. Then, Ms. Varley came in and did a lesson with them.

Following lunch, we worked on persuasive writing. Students mapped out a persuasive writing piece to communicate what they think the best pet to have is. We will be writing this full written piece soon after mapping it out.

Then, we went out for DPA, watched a video on an optical illusion piece (that unfortunately we didn’t get to start today in creating our own), and then did planners and cleaned up.

REMINDER: Spelling Test tomorrow (Substitute teacher will conduct the spelling test still).

I will not be here tomorrow, so I will post the homework highlights for tomorrow in this post:

-Math Show What You Know: Pages 166-167 #1-9, 11-16

-Daily 5 work if not finished

-Studying for Math Test on Tuesday



Ms. Wilks

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