Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute and then reading some of the book, “The Invasion.” We have been so busy that we haven’t read it in a while. Then, we worked on talking about counting up half squares on a grid in the textbook work in order to approximate/estimate how many square units are in the area of a shape. The textbook work is: page 158 #1-6 and is homework if not done in class. Then, we did a quick Blooket in order to practice our area calculations of rectangles.

After, we had snack and then recess. Following recess, students had a second last class to work on their Drama skits. We will be presenting them next Wednesday, so students need to be prepared and use their time wisely tomorrow for their last work class.

Then, we went over a couple of dialogue/quotation mark examples and I went over the reading comprehension assignment the students are doing this afternoon.

After lunch, students worked on this reading comprehension assessment and answered the questions to the best of their ability with the most detail they could add. This will help me to see how much of the reading they understand as comprehension is very important in addition to oral reading skills.

Then, students had a quick DPA and either continued working on their Literacy assessment or started working on their rising action part of their Social Studies story. The rising action part of the story is due tomorrow.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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