Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started with the students writing a few different ways to write various times that are quarter to, quarter past, or half past. e.g. 7:15 or 9:30 written as quarter past 7 or half past 9. Then, we did some practice modeling these on our interactive clocks. We talked a bit about 24 hour time today, but didn’t go into too much depth on this yet. We also did our Math Minute. Then students worked on pages 130-131 #1-10, which is due tomorrow if not finished in class today.

After, we had snack and recess. Then, students had their last class to work on their Biomes research. If not done, they are to make sure they finish their research notes tonight, as they have had 3 classes to do this already. Tomorrow, we will be starting to work on our PowerPoint, so students need their research before we do this.

The biomes presentations are going to start on Tuesday, February 1st. Students will present their PowerPoint to the class to convince us their chosen biome is the best biome. We talked about using expression, practicing, not reading off of the slides, posture, projecting our voices, etc. to make a good oral presentation to the class.

Then, Scott came in and did a lesson on recognizing and interpreting others’ emotions.

Following lunch, students did their Daily 5 stations, planners, cleaned up, and then went to Music.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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