Thursday, January 20th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off the day with our Spelling Test. I am in the process of marking these and hope to have them on Fresh Grade tonight. Then, we had Math Textbook work on the material that I taught yesterday and had the kids practice in partners. It is homework if not done: pages 126-127 #1-9 (all of the questions).

Then, students went to Music. After recess, we read two Indigeous stories – one about listening to your parents/elders and another about not judging a book by its cover. We discussed the story map format and worked on mapping out each story on the story map organizer. This allows students to dissect the various parts of a story in preparation of writing their own story eventually. We talked about how most of the stories have a moral/main message learned from reading the story.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 group work and then we had DPA and Library.

Some Notes:

-The Turtle Island Comic is due tomorrow.

Pokemon or any kind of game Cards (Magic, Yugioh, etc.) are now banned except for on Friday during Community Time. If students are bringing their cards on Friday, it is expected that they do not take out these cards during recess, snack, lunch, or class time. They are only permitted to take them out at the start of Community Time when prompted, or they will lose this privilege. Please review this with your child if this applies to them.

As well, we are trying very hard to improve lunchtime behaviour when the kids are not directly supervised. Please review with your child lunchtime rules and why they are so important, especially during this time of COVID. Students are expected to sit at their desks and eat, unfortunately can talk only when they re-put their masks on after or can do a quiet activity at their desk until the bell.


Ms. Wilks

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