Wednesday, January 19th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute and then we started Unit 4: Measurement. We talked a lot about the calendar (I know it doesn’t seem related, but time is a part of measurement). We learned how to write in metric notation form. This means writing the date with only numbers starting with the year, then month, then day (going from largest units to smallest from left to right).

For example, I would write the standard form of the date: November 2nd, 2001 and students would practice writing it as: 2001 11 02. I told the kids that it’s very important that you add a 0 if the digit is only a single digit e.g. the 2nd becomes 02 (I told them that every number needs a friend). There are spaces in between the year, month, and day and no commas or letters in the date.

Then, I had students practice in pairs and write either the standard date form or metric notation to practice.

After, we had snack and recess. After recess, we had our Class Meeting where we made our new goal to distinguish between big and small problems. We also talked about examples of each and how to deal with issues independently if we can (obviously if it’s a big issue, seek teacher help). After, Ms. Varley came in and did a comic book activity with the kids.

Following lunch, students had their last day to work on their buddy letters and they were due at the end of the class. I will be editing them and marking them in the next few days, so you can look for a Fresh Grade mark within the next week for your child’s writing as a progress update.

Then, we had DPA, students worked on researching for their Biomes project, did planners, and cleaned up.

Spelling Test tomorrow!

Turtle Island Comic is due on Friday.


Ms. Wilks

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