Tuesday, January 18th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Test for Unit 3. I am proud of the students – the average is a lot higher on this test (not that marks are everything, but this is a good sign for their foundational multiplication & division skills 🙂 ). This will definitely help them later on with more advanced multiplication and division. I will be posting the test on Fresh Grade after all students have written the test, as a few have not had the chance to write it yet due to absences.

Then, we had snack and recess.

After recess, students had time to work on their Turtle Island comics. These comics are due fully coloured and finished by Friday and will be marked.

Then, we did a quick Math Minute and then Scott came in and had students work on writing about a time when they felt a certain feeling from the mood meter. The written piece is due tomorrow if not already finished in class today.

After lunch, we worked on our letters to our buddies in writing out our rough drafts and formulating our paragraphs.

At the end of the day, we had DPA and students did coding on either the Hour of Code website or Learn Code. This allowed them to have a chance to dabble with various coding games and activities.

Spelling Test is on Thursday 🙂

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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