Tuesday, January 11th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reading my favourite picture book, called “Mixed.” It is a wonderful story about diversity, accepting others’ differences, and not judging people by the colour of their skin. We discussed how important it is to get to know people’s personalities and not judge people based on external characteristics.

Then, we did our Math Minute and reviewed the Math vocabulary: arrays, related facts, and what a product is in Math.

Within this, we reviewed how to write two multiplication facts and two division facts with the same set of 3 numbers and how to draw an array to represent these equations. Students worked on pages 111-112 #1-5, 7-10, 12 and it is homework if not completed in class today. Again, the Math Test for Unit 3 is on Tuesday of next week.

After, I read a bit of our class novel to the students, we had snack, then recess.

Following recess, we went over our new spelling words, which again are found on the “Spelling Words” Page of this blog and the test is on Thursday, January 20th, 2022. After, students worked on their Math Tessellation Art while we watched more of the Fresh Water Biome episode.

Then, Scott came in and had students do an assignment to describe times where they felt an emotion they picked from the red, blue, yellow, and green zones.

After lunch, we worked on the components of Letter Writing. We talked about and practiced writing the address of the recipient of the letter, date, salutation, body of the letter, and closing remarks/sign-off. We discussed about how it is important to always re-read our work and to make sure our sentences are complex and detailed. We also talked about formatting in a letter: remembering to indent and skipping lines between the body and the closing and the body and introduction.

Then, we did planners, cleaned up, and then said goodbye to Nora, since today was her last day. The students all signed a card for her and we surprised her with a goodbye in the classroom.

At the end of the day, students went to Music.

Reminder: Completed poetry booklet due on Thursday.



Some new updates

1. Typing: We will be starting a Typing Program in class on the laptops as this is such an important skill for students to type with proper form and build speed to help them later in school. Your child is welcome to try logging into and completing some of the typing program at home for extra practice. The instructions are linked on this page and is under the “Typing Program” page on the blog: https://sd41blogs.ca/wilksm/typing-program You can help your child bookmark the website for easy access to typing practice at home as well.

2. Math Practice: Students can use this website to practice their Math Minute online and have the computer mark their work for them as well: https://sd41blogs.ca/wilksm/online-math-minute-practice-extra/ especially in preparation for the Math Unit Test coming.


Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks


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