Thursday, December 16th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute multiplication and division as usual. Then, I went over the Math quiz with the students. We reviewed the answers to some of the common questions that students had difficulty with. Then, students worked on pages 108-109 #1-9, which is homework if not done.

Please see my email about Math practice over the Winter Break – highly recommended to help students prepare for the test and solidify their multiplication and division basics.

Then, student had Music and recess.

After recess, I read Animorphs to the students while they ate their snacks.

Then, we cleaned out our folders from Term 1 work and I told students which sheets they should keep in their folders for this term and which they should take home. After, the other Grade 4 classes came to see the video of our skit, but due to technical difficulties, we postponed it to after lunch and continued working on our Math.

After lunch, the other Grade 4 classes came to watch our skit. Again, the kids did such a great job and it was really fun to share with them. Then, students worked on their Math Tessellation Art, we had DPA, and then library at the end of the day.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks


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