Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our two Math Minutes – multiplication & division. Then, students did their Health Quiz. I hope to finish marking them by the end of the week and will upload them on Fresh Grade when I am done. Students completed a multiplication vs. division word problem sheet when they were done in order to practice identifying Math vocabulary associated with multipication vs. division. Then, students were assigned page 100 #1-7, 9 of the textbook, which is homework if not finished in class today.

After snack and recess, we quickly took up the word problem sheet and then students either worked with me on acting out our Drama skit or making props for it. Hoping we are able to get everything together quickly and before Christmas so that we can film it.

After lunch, we worked on apostrophe (with one person and multiple people) vs. plural ‘s’ and then we shared some of the connections that we made last week.

At the end of the day, students had extra DPA time, then they worked on a few sheets related to the Grasslands biome for Science. Then, planners and clean up.

Reminder: Spelling Test tomorrow.

Group of 7 artwork due on Tuesday.

We are also accepting Food Bank Donations until December 15th 🙂

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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