Tuesday, December 7th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute for Multiplication & Division. Then, the students and I found patterns in the multiplication chart and discussed factors and products again to review. We then put the group Math murals together – they look awesome! I will try to post these on Fresh Grade when I get the chance.

A few announcements this morning as well:

-Taylor Park is doing a food drive. They are accepting money donations as well as low-sodium canned/packaged non-perishable foods. Can send with your child until December 15th.

-Health Quiz is tomorrow – students should have their booklets to study off of and have had a lot of time to review this booklet in preparation for the quiz

-Spelling Test is on Thursday (last one before Winter Break!)

After recess, students worked on their Group of 7 Landscapes. These will be due on Tuesday next week and students will have no more time in class to work on these. Then, we did a Go Noodle to calm down before our lesson with Scott. We worked on identifying where different feelings go on our Mood Meter.

After lunch, we had our Daily 5 stations and then planners, clean-up, and then students went to Music.

Have a good evening!


Ms. Wilks

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