Monday, December 6th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our multiplication and division Math Minutes. A lot of students are noticing continual progress, which is great 🙂 After, I had students use dice in partners in order to multiply factors to find the product. Unfortunately, only 8/28 of the students finished their part of the group mural for Math. Consequently, I gave students who finished their work extra free time and had students who did not finish work on their overdue homework. Students need to get this done for tomorrow at the latest. I really explained today how important it is that students we accountable for their homework, especially on the weekend.

Then, we had snack, desk check, and recess.

After recess, we worked on Drama, but had to re-design what we are planning for our skit. Students will be making props for this skit and some students will have speaking lines and others will act without lines during the scenes.

After lunch, we had literacy where we worked on our Alliteration poems. Students chose a letter and tried to use the most words with that letter. Rough & Good copy are homework if not done.

At the very end of the day, we had DPA (in the snow that was left) and then Gym. We started our badminton unit, which was a lot of fun. We practiced our two main kinds of serves and tried to aim the birdie to hit different distanced lines in order to increase accuracy. Through this, we explicitly practiced that how hard we hit the birdie and how we swing our racquet directly affects where the birdie will fly/land.

Just a reminder that the Health Quiz is on Wednesday and the Spelling Test is on Thursday this week.


Ms. Wilks

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