Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Dear Parents,

I’m absent today, but thought I’d jump on here to do a quick Blog Post of the homework for the weekend.

Weekend Journals: Students are going to be getting new weekend journal folders today. They will complete their journals in these folders instead from now on. There is a spot for parent comments. I am also going to be posting extra weekend journal paper on a separate blog page (click here) in case your child forgets their journal paper at school. I highly encourage you to read through the instructions again with your child at the start of this booklet and go over where they need to start writing in order to keep their booklets super organized.

Journal Prompt: Write three things that you are currently excited for and explain why (This is the amended journal topic, as I accidentally gave students almost the same one as they had before). Write as much as you can about each topic – due Monday.

Math Murals: Students’ individual sheets for this is due on Monday.

Math Textbook Homework: pages 96-97 #1-7, 10-11

Heath Quiz on Wednesday next week.

Notice: There is a Simon James presentation in the Gym on Monday @ 9 a.m. Please aim to have your child arrive on time as we will be leaving for the Gym right after arrival and attendance.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Ms. Wilks



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