Monday, November 29th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started with reading and then students worked on their Mad Minute (and a half). By a show of hands, it looks like a lot of students are starting to show progress in their x2 multiplication tables, which is awesome! Tomorrow, we will be moving on to our 3 times tables. After, we wrote down and talked about our new spelling words and definitions. I will be posting these shortly on the Spelling Words Page of this blog. The next spelling test is Thursday, December 9th, 2021 and will be our last spelling test before the break!

Next, we reviewed skip counting and the definition of multiples and named some multiples of 3. Then, students started working on pages 92-93 #1-7, 9. It is homework if not done. After, we worked on apostrophes vs. plurals briefly.

Then, we had a desk check and then snack and recess.

After recess, students watched a little bit of “Our Planet” on Netflix in order to explore the Aquatic Biome. Then, we did a reading on it and did some highlighting of the important information. Before lunch, students had a chance to continue their Group of 7 artwork.

After lunch, we learned about shape poems and students did a marvelous job coming up with their own. If not done, the good copy is due tomorrow. At the end of the day, we had DPA, planners, clean-up, and played some basketball games in Gym. This was our last class of basketball and unfortunately, it did not end on a great note. We talked about teamwork, sharing the ball, being safe, and how to make everyone feel included as there were a lot of upset feelings from the game today. We will continue to work on including others and showing teamwork in Gym class in other sports.

Reminder: The Health Booklet in full is due tomorrow as I will be marking this.

Book Fair is also on Thursday so if students want to bring money, they can purchase books, posters, or other items sold.

FSA Envelopes with grades and information also went home with your child along with a Covid-19 Child Vaccine Information Form.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks


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