Friday, November 12th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reading some poems from a book that I borrowed. It had some nice poems about October, nature, and other themes. We analyzed the rhyme scheme for the poems as well in order to get used to this. Then, we had our spelling test. They are already marked and were handed back to the kids later in the day.

Following that, we did a mini Math lesson combining two lessons again of Math. We did Lesson 12 & 13: Subtracting Four-Digit Numbers and Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

I went over a few examples on the board and reminded students of some of the math vocabulary definitions. Students started working on page 71 #1-2, 4, 6 and page 75 #2-6. If not done, it is homework. Just a reminder that the Unit 2 Math Test is on Thursday of next week.

Then, we had snack and recess. After recess, we worked on our Paragraph Editing Exercise some more and then we went to Buddies. The kids did an AMAZING job playing Math card games with their buddies – it was so nice to see!

After lunch, we worked on writing out an outline for our Weekend Journal: What are three things you like so far about Grade 4? They are to aim for a page of writing and this is due on Monday.

Then, we worked on talking about surface-level connections and deep connections. We talked about how deep connections mean you delve into and really explain and explore a connection. A successful connection for text-to-self means explaining both why the text matches and why your own experience matches together and giving examples. Students also did an exercise where they determined whether a connection was surface-level or deep and another activity where they graded example connections I had written on the proficiency scale and wrote why.

After, students wrote their planners and we gathered in the pod to talk about community time rules. After, students had community time to hang out with their friends from Ms. Lyons’ class.

Reminders: Timeline is due in full on Monday.

New: Social Studies Shoebox is to be completed for Wednesday next week.

Again, Math Test is on Thursday.

Have a good weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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