Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with collecting the Values Sheets on the Carving Presentation from last week. Then, we combined two Math Lessons into one as they have a pretty similar topic. We went over how to round and make friendly numbers and how to borrow. We talked about how to borrow from a number such as 1009-956 and how if you cannot borrow from the digit because it is 0, you keep going left along the digits until you find one you can borrow from.

We worked on Lessons 9 & 10:

page 63: #1, 4, 5

pages 66 & 67 #2-6

Homework if not done as usual. Note: The Unit Test for Unit 2 in Math: Place Value will be on Thursday, November 18th next week. Students should start studying for this in advance.

After, students did some editing of a Paragraph on a reading about “How Traits Travel” in order to continue to practice all of the rules in formal writing.

After, we had snack and recess. Following recess, we had an assembly for Remembrance day. Then, students had time to work on their shoeboxes. They will only have one more class until it is due. They are looking great so far.

After lunch, we worked on learning about poetry. I read some poetry from two haunted books and another nature book this morning to get the kids familiar with various kinds of poems. Today, we worked on learning the meaning of lines, stanzas, meter, mood, theme, and rhyming schemes (AB Pattern, etc.). Then, students answered some questions that tested their ability to analyze a poem called “The Rain” where they had to also use some inferencing skills to decipher the meaning of the poem.

Then, we had DPA and then a class meeting. We did our temperature check in terms of zones, gave compliment/shout-outs, and re-discussed our priorities in the classroom. We decided to change our main goal for our area of growth to be in monitoring lunchtime behaviour. We made some notes on how we can take these next steps and I appointed two peer monitors to help out as well.

Another reminder: the Spelling Test is on Friday since there is no school tomorrow.

Students’ timelines are also due on Monday just as a reminder.

Have a good night and see you on Friday.


Ms. Wilks


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