Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with doing a Math mid-unit review on Kahoot where students practiced differentiating between standard form, expanded form, and written/word form. Then, I read a bit of the Animorphs book to the kids.

After, we had library as part of our change of schedule and then we had recess.

After recess, we had snack and students used our editing checklist to edit each others’ autobiographies in different coloured pens.

Following this, Scott came in and did a lesson based on asking students the feelings that they want to feel when they’re at school. The top 5 answers were: Creative, Happy, Respected, Included, and Safe. Then, we started to brainstorm ways to help others feel this way more at school. The students’ task is to give a genuine compliment to at least one person each day in the next week.

Following lunch, we had quiet activity time and then we completed a grammar worksheet and came up with example sentences differentiating between its and it’s as this is a common mistake in our journals.

Then, we wrote our planners, had free time, cleaned up, and students went to Music.

Note: Your children really made my birthday such a wonderful day today. Thank you for the wonderful wishes – I feel truly blessed to be a part of their learning experience. They are such sweet children, each and every one of them!☺♡♡


Ms. Wilks

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