Monday, November 1st, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our new spelling words. The test is on Friday, November 12th since there is no school on the 11th because of Remembrance Day. Words are on the spelling page of this blog as well as in your child’s spelling folder, which they recorded the words in today.

After, we talked about adding three-digit numbers. We discussed how to carry numbers briefly, how to estimate (round to the nearest ten or hundred) and find the actual answer. Students were assigned pages 53-54 #2-4, 6-9.

Then, students had snack, I did a desk check, and they had recess.

Following recess, students had time to work on their Social Studies report and then we started some Remembrance Day poppy art.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations, then did our planners and cleaned up. We ended the day with Gym by playing a tag-based game, a basketball dribbling game, and ended with a round of the circle game “Frogs and Flies.”

Notice: Library will be moved to tomorrow (Tuesday) for this week instead of Thursday.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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