Dear Parents,
Today, students organized their desks to keep organized right from the beginning of our Grade 4 year. I gave students each a desk clean-up checklist to use and will be checking their desks every Monday. Students are expected to have their desks cleaned before the Monday desk check. I am trying to encourage good habits of organization right from the get-go.
Students did a reading comprehension assessment for me today on animal adaptations and I started to read with students one-on-one during their Music class in order to see where each student is in their reading. For the comprehension assessment, students did a reading and then answered questions on inferencing, summarizing, connections, and visualizing.
Students also created their Lego selves today and worked on their All About Me Journal Writing. It is homework if it is not finished and should be a minimum of 3/4 of a page.
If forms are not handed in yet, if they could be handed in ASAP, that would be much appreciated!
Have a good night!
Ms. Wilks