Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with Grade 4s working on their class surveys and the Grade 5s and I did a lesson on translations. We talked about how to write coordinates (x, y) and how it is a slide of a shape. Students worked on Lesson 1 of the textbook, Questions 1-4 and 7.

Then, they went to Music and we had DPA. After DPA, students practiced their tableaux and presented them to the class. Their next assignment is in groups of 4 chosen by me to act out a skit of one of their personal narrative stories. Then, I introduced our new novel that we are reading in class called “Animorphs.”

After lunch, students worked on the computers to complete a student reflection for their Term 3 report card and then worked on their Book Creator books.

At the end of the day, we went over new spelling words and then I read some of the novel to the class aloud.

Tomorrow, their health pamphlet is due. Tomorrow is also the last day I will be marking and accepting rugs.


Ms. Wilks


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