Thursday, May 20th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our spelling test and then played a game of Canadian Charter bingo. It was fun going through the sections with the kids and having them try to get bingo. After, we started a fur trade game online where the students played in groups in order to gain beaver pelts to trade for items for the Winter.

Then, we went outside for DPA.

After DPA, students had computers to work on their Social Studies projects and then their health projects. If they were done health, they had the chance to work on book creator to start illustrating their personal narratives.

After lunch, we continued the Fur Trader game a bit and since the students have had so many projects and tests this week, I let them start to watch “Wonder” since we finished the novel the other day.

At the end of the day, we continued working on our organizer for the main message of Wonder and this is homework (just the middle section of the sheet) if not done.


Ms. Wilks

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