Thursday, May 13th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our gallery walk of the Grade 4 Science projects on Animal Adaptations. Then, I challenged students to create boats out of aluminum foil and we had a competition to see which boat would carry the most weight.

After, students had snack, DPA, and then we practiced a bit of French using quizlet. I will be giving a retest next week because the scores were not very high on this last French test. Then, they went on a walk with Ms. Parke.

Then, Grade 5s had the computers to work on their Science project that is due tomorrow. I introduced a new project for social studies for the Grade 4s on the fur trade where they have to create a fur trading hut/post. They started researching design elements for this today.

After lunch, students had the computers again to work on their health project on physical activity.

Then, they had the whole last half hour to work on writing out their good copy of their personal narratives which is due on Monday.

The retest for French will be on Tuesday and there will be a Math test on Wednesday next week.


Ms. Wilks


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