Friday, May 14th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday!

Today, we started off with reviewing probability with spinner sections and students then practiced completing a variety of probability experiments in their textbook work to practice. It is Lesson 5, all questions except 1b for Grade 5s. Grade 4s worked on their survey project steps 5 & 6. This is homework if not done.

After, we practiced answering some questions in French. Students are encouraged to practice answering the five basic questions as I will be conducting mini French interviews (asking these questions) with them to give them an oral mark for French.

After snack and Music, we went out for DPA. Then, we read a bit of Wonder and then went outside to practice some basketball. We practiced our chest passes, bounce passes, shooting, played bump, and practiced guarding the ball during another game called Sharks.

After lunch, we did a Gallery Walk of the students’ Human Body Systems models and comics. The students did a wonderful job on these! After, Grade 4s worked on their new Social Studies project and Grade 5s worked on a Government Levels sheet and finished their Charter Scavenger Hunt.

Then, students had community time.

A reminder that the personal narrative good copy is due on Monday.

Tuesday is the French makeup quiz and Wednesday is the Math Test. We also have the spelling test on Thursday. It sounds like a lot but students have had a lot of time in class to write out their narratives and we have been practicing French in class too. No weekend journal.

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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