Monday, May 10th

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a Math pop diagnostic quiz on graphing and probability. I will be posting those on Fresh Grade tomorrow.

Then, students worked on their Science projects which are due on Thursday for Grade 4s and Friday for Grade 5s.

Next, we had snack and DPA and then came in and worked on our cards for healthcare workers and students had a chance to work on their rugs.

After lunch, I gave out new spelling words and I had Grade 4s worked on a Fur Trade reading and Grade 5s worked with me on Levels of Government and what each level does. We also talked about responsibilities that citizens have.

Following recess, I did a dance assessment – students danced to a few dance videos and then we watched an example of a dance from Dancing with the Stars.

Just a reminder that the French quiz is on Wednesday!


Ms. Wilks

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