Tuesday, April 20th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started with reading a bit of “Wonder” and then we did a couple of Math games practicing counting the number of vertices, edges, and faces on various 3D shapes.

I have linked one of them below:


Students then worked on textbook pages:

G4: pages 243-244 #1-5

G5: page 244 #1, 2, 4

It is homework if not done in class.

Our Math test is also next Tuesday, April 27th next week. Pro-D Day on Monday, April 26th – no school.

After, students went to Music and then we had DPA and Mr. Anderson came in to teach – students worked on making posters to represent various strategies that can be used in various mood/emotion zones.

Following lunch, we resumed our Daily 5 stations after a long hiatus due to Literature Circles. Students were assigned either: guided reading with the teacher in a small group, writing, and spelling practice.

After recess, students continued to work on preparing for Student-led conferences, organizing their work into their folder, and practicing presenting to their peers.

Homework for tonight:

-Science booklets due tomorrow if not already done

-Math work if not done

-Spelling Test on Thursday!


Have a good night!



Ms. Wilks



Please see the attached letter that I sent home with your child today regarding the physical health curriculum.


Physical Health Education Letter


Dear Parent/Guardian,


This year in Grade 4/5 according to the BC Redesigned Curriculum for Health and Physical Education, your child will be learning the following:


  • Physical changes in puberty (hair growth, body development, menstruation, etc.)
  • Emotional & social changes (thoughts and feelings of attraction to others, relationships)
  • Self-Concept and Identity (sexual orientation, gender vs. sexual identity)


This information will help keep your child safe, healthy, happy, and informed. At school we teach students research-based information and facts, we do not teach our values or beliefs surrounding these topics.


We encourage you to talk to your children at home about what they are learning at school and share your values and beliefs with them.



Here are some things you can do at home to help your child understand the concepts being taught:

  • Ask your child what they are learning in health class
  • Recommend books for your child to read or provide them with books and ask them questions about what they are reading
  • Join your child when they are watching television or movies and ask them what they think about the characters, gender roles, relationships etc. that they see
  • Be aware of, and know how to use, the social media your child uses
  • Talk to them about what they are posting on social media and the implications


Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about the contents of this letter.



Ms. Wilks

Division 8


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