Wednesday, April 15th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reading a bit of Wonder and then I reviewed some questions from the Grade 4 quiz and some more Grade 5 questions. I had students complete an exit card to see how much they understood. Some students are progressing in Geometry, but I am still finding that some are having difficulty with the Math vocabulary. Please continue to have your child review this.

Then, students went to Music and we had snack and DPA and then library. After library, we did some Mad Libs to practice word types.

After lunch, I had students edit some sentences by adding quotations to continue to practice dialogue rules. Then, students worked on their student led conference writing which they will present at home in a couple of weeks.

After recess, Grade 5s worked on paraphrasing some digestive system information, on a visualization of food moving through the system, and made a comic of the digestive system, while the Grade 4s and I talked about various adaptations, categorizing them, and learning and watching more about chameleons and bats and how they use their adaptations.

A reminder that the last Literature Circle discussion is tomorrow! If not done, student led conference step 1 and 2 is due tomorrow.


Ms. Wilks

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