Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reviewing common mistakes on the Math quiz (we only got to Grade 5 quiz practice today but will do Grade 4 quiz practice tomorrow). Students used lap whiteboards to practice various questions which we took up the answers to in order to practice.

After, students had snack and went to Music. Then, we had DPA and Mr. Anderson came in to run a class meeting with our class.

After lunch, we worked on editing dialogue again and cutting down run-on sentences that go on forever. Then, students did their literature circle discussions.

At the very end of the day, our EA took the Grade 4s into the courtyard to work on reading about various adaptations and highlighting the important points and I worked with Grade 5s on a digestive system visualization, putting the steps of the system in order and we started to work on paraphrasing the process of the digestive system. We are continuing to work on our paraphrasing skills, but the students are doing so much better at this. Iā€™m proud of them šŸ˜Š

Our last literature circle is on Thursday!


Ms. Wilks

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