Friday, March 5th

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reading a bit of “Wonder” and then we worked on adding and subtracting decimals. The pages for homework are:

G4: pages 207-208 #1-10

G5: pages 208-209 #1-13

Then, we had snack and students went to Music. After music, we had DPA and then we had one last Social Studies presentation. Before lunch, we had Gym and played Octopus and did some skipping and then a skipping challenge.

After lunch, we filled in a plan for our writing to practice making text to self connections and to use text evidence in the form of embedded quotations with explanations in order to solidify our points.

After recess, we had community time.

No weekend journal, but we had a moon phases and tides quiz on Monday, Math quiz on Wednesday, Literature Circles Meetings on Tuesday and Thursday and Spelling Test on Thursday. I know it sounds like a lot, but I think the students will be ready for it.

Have a great weekend.


Ms. Wilks

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