Wednesday, March 3rd

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a lesson on adding decimals with different amounts of place value numbers present, how to make them equal decimals again and Grade 4s learned about equivalent decimals. Students were assigned:

G4: page 204 #1-7

G5: pages 202-203 #1-9

It is homework if not done.

Students were also given time to write down the next three literature circle meetings after tomorrow’s meeting. Reminder that they need to be ready for tomorrow’s discussion. The next three dates are: Tuesday, March 9, Thursday, March 11, and Tuesday, March 30th after the spring break.

Then, students had snack, music, and DPA. After, we went to the library.

After lunch, we worked on differentiating between your, you’re, there, their, and they’re and when to use contractions and apostrophes and when not to use them.

Then, we worked on finding more text evidence to support the inference that polar bears’ skin and fat work together to keep it warm. Students are practicing embedding quotes into their writing in order to support their thoughts and then explain why the quote is relevant. They wrote and handed in their paragraph and I went through them and made comments for them to continue to improve their writing with support and clear explanations.

After recess, we worked on learning about spring and neap tides and more about the positioning of the moon in the relation to these tides. Then, students worked on their rugs.

It was a great and productive day!

Explorers presentations for Grade 4s is tomorrow.

Moon phase and tide quick quiz is on Monday.

There will be Quiz #2 for this unit of Math, just lesson 7-end of Chapter 5 on Wednesday next week. The spelling quiz is also next Thursday.

Students are reminded to look at the moon each night too! 🌖

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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