Monday, March 1st

Dear Parents,

Happy first day of March! Today, we started off with new spelling words. The next spelling test will be on Thursday, March 11th. Then, we talked more about hundredths and also how to show fractions in division statements with remainders and we talked a bit about improper fractions.

Then, we had snack and went outside for DPA.

When we came back in, Grade 4s had their last class to work on their Explorer presentations and I worked with the Grade 5s to make some flash cards on various French fruits and practice recognizing feminine and masculine fruit nouns. We also watched a video on the pronunciation of these names and then played a few fun games with the flash cards. We practiced answering some common French questions and communicating our likes and dislikes toward different fruits. It was a lot of fun.

After lunch, I did a lesson on how to use text evidence and quotations in our writing to support our writing. We talked about the four steps: 1. Restate the question 2. Answer the question 3. Cite/Present evidence 4. Explain why your evidence is relevant.

Then, students were given a reading to find evidence to support and inference and practice using these steps.

At the very end of the day, we watched some videos on Dance and we did the Cha-Cha Slide.

Students are tasked at observing the moon each night and recording the moon phase. Our literature circle #2 is tomorrow, so students are expected to be ready for that.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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