Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with working on our rugs. They are looking great and I am very excited to see the finished products! Then, we had our Pink Shirt Day Assembly and the students went to Music afterward.

After Music, we had DPA and then we had our last French presentation. Following the presentation, we went to the library, where Ms. Zimmerschied showed some great videos on the importance of equality for all regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

After lunch, we discussed a bit more about what the literature circle meeting should sound like, look like, and feel like, and a bit more about how it is going to go tomorrow. Students then worked on their reading & written role in preparation for tomorrow. They are expected to bring the novel and their written work tomorrow to be stamped for completion and punctuality and be ready to discuss. Their next Literature Circle Meeting will be next week on Tuesday. Students can start working on it on Thursday night (I want students to go at the pace that their group is going at – no reading/working ahead e.g. after meeting 1, they can start meeting 2’s preparation work and so on)

At the end of the day, we worked on a bucket filler activity and talked about how we can elicit/support creating positive feelings in other people. Then, students picked a peer in the classroom and drew 5 symbolic pictures for ways that they could “fill that person’s bucket” and drew themĀ  on their corresponding bucket sheet.

For homework today: Bucket Filler (emotional kindness) sheet, Literature Circle Meeting #1 work, and Spelling Quiz tomorrow!

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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