Tuesday, February 16th

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with new spelling words. The next spelling test will be on Thursday, February 25th. Then, we did some work from the Math textbook. I have moved the Math quiz (which counts for report card marks) to Thursday to give us an extra day tomorrow to review before the quiz.

Homework if not done:

G4: pages 189-190 #1-10, 12

G5: page 196 #1-7


Then, students went to Music and we had DPA. After, Mr. Anderson came in to do a lesson on feelings and how to identify others’ feelings based on their facial expression and gestures.

After lunch, Grade 4s worked on their FSA’s and Grade 5s worked on their French family tree project.

After recess, I introduced our new literacy unit: we will be doing literature circles where students will be studying one of three novels in a group. They will be assigned a task per chapter of the book and need to complete it before the set meeting. It will be a great way for us to expand on our reading responses by strengthening our summarizing, critical questioning, connection, visualization, and vocabulary skills/knowledge.

The math quiz is on Thursday.


Ms. Wilks


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