Monday, February 1st, 2021

Happy First Day of February Everybody!

Today, we started off with getting our new spelling words. Our new spelling test is going to be on Thursday, February 11th (next week). Then, we took up the Math test from last week and went over some of the questions that there were common errors on in order to learn from mistakes on the test.

We also talked about things we had gratitude for and found the gratitude rock. I have got to find some better hiding places – the kids are too good at finding it.

After that, we had snack and DPA.

Following DPA, we worked on the good copies of our buddy letters to write back to Ms. Dittrich’s class and then the students had an hour for their final class of working on their Social Studies project.

After lunch, we had to talk about how tomorrow we will have to stay in our seats again for lunch in order to gain back the privilege to sit with friends.

Then, we worked on a new piece of persuasive writing – the students are picking a place and are going to write in full paragraph form, a persuasive essay about why their chosen place is the best place to visit. The outline is due tomorrow if it is not complete. We will start writing our rough copies later this week.

After recess, we worked on our Indigenous dot artwork some more. They look wonderful!

Just a reminder that our Drama skits are going to be presented and marked tomorrow. On Thursday, the French booklets are due in full colour.

The Social Studies project is due for both Grades on Monday. It must be sent to my email by Monday so I can project it onto the screen when students present.


Ms. Wilks


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