Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with learning about what 1 litre looks like and knowing approximately how many litres certain objects might hold. We talked about how many mL in a cup and how many cups in a litre as well to make measurement conversions. We reviewed how to calculate area again as well. The textbook work is homework if not done:

Grade 4: pages 149-150 #1-4, 6-9

Grade 5: page 155 #3-7

Then, students had snack and went to Music. When they came back, we went outside and then went to the library.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations and had a class meeting at the end of the day. Then, I read the students a story about a movement called “Shannen’s Dream” and the injustices that were presented in this story toward Indigenous peoples on the Attawapiskat territory. We talked about ethics in relation to this story as well as discrimination.

Have a great night!


Ms. Wilks

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