Monday, January 18th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a Math lesson on when to use metres squared instead of cm squared and reviewed how to find area again. Sorry, I didn’t write down the textbook pages, so I don’t have the exact pages and questions, but students were given textbook pages that are due tomorrow.

After, we had snack and DPA.

Following that, students worked on their Indigenous imagery project, and some partners started to use the watercolours. They look amazing! Then, they worked on their Indigenous dot artwork before lunch.

After lunch, I went over the new spelling words and then we worked on reading an example of a persuasive writing essay, and planning out our own persuasive essays by breaking down the different elements included.

Students had to decide to convince readers if they would rather school be 10 hours per day four days a week or 8 hours per day five days per week and support their opinion with evidence.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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