Friday, January 15th, 2021

Hi Everyone,

We started off today with some reading of “Wonder” and then students worked on work out of their Math Textbook that we went over for the last two days:

Grade 5: pages 143-144 #1-5, 7, 8

Grade 4’s: pages 144-145 #1-8

If not done, it is homework.

Then, students had snack and went to Music. After, we had a full class desk move, so we moved our seats into our new places/groups and groups came up with a new name for their team. Then, we played badminton in Gym – it was really fun and the students saw how many times they could hit the birdie back and forth without letting it drop. We also reviewed proper vs. improper serves.

After lunch, we had Social Studies and I read the story about Spirit Bear, which told more information about injustice within treatment in health care provided for First Nations Peoples prior to Jordan’s Principle being established. It talked about Jordan’s Principle and the example of Jordan, a First Nations boy who was very young and got sick, but there was lots of disagreement between the provincial and federal government of who would cover the costs for First Nations peoples, and before it was solved, he unfortunately died. Then, the kids worked on their imagery pieces revolving around residential schools and their impact today.

At the end of the day, students wrote down their weekend journal prompt: If you could travel to the future, what year would you go to? What would you want to see? Grade 5’s: 1.5 pages, Grade 4’s: 1 page due Monday (use paragraphs). Then they had community time 🙂

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Wilks


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