Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Hi Everyone,

Today, we started off the day with talking about how to calculate volume. We determined that the formula is length x width x height. This tells us the capacity of a 3D shape. We also reviewed a bit more about telling time and elapsed time and its meaning. Students are assigned to work on:

Grade 4: pages 137-138 #1-9

Grade 5: pages 140-141 #1-3, 6, 8-10

It is homework if not completed.

After that, we had indoor DPA and then we watched a video on an example Rube Goldberg. Then, students had until lunch and some time after lunch to complete their Rube Goldberg machines! They worked so hard on them and all groups did a great job. We all presented them to the class and tested them out and then cleaned up the classroom and put the supplies away. I will post videos of the projects on Fresh Grade.

At the very end of the day, Ms. Peddie came in and did a lesson on dialogue and synonyms for the word “said” that are more specific and descriptive.

Just a reminder that embroidery is due tomorrow.


Ms. Wilks





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