Friday, January 8th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with the students who finished their embroidery wearing their embroidered shirts to pose for a picture – I’ll post it on Fresh Grade when the app works again, but the kids did an AMAZING JOB! I was so impressed with their handiwork, creativity, and dedication. Excellent work!

After that, we did some review/introducing of the 24 hour clock, testing on telling time, and we also practiced determining the volume of more 3D rectangular prisms as well as a review from the work from yesterday. Then, the students had time to practice these concepts in partners to further solidify their learning from the past few days.

After, we had snack and the kids went to Music. Then, DPA and Gym before lunch. In Gym, we had our first badminton class, which was a lot of fun. We practiced two different ways of serving, aiming practice, and hitting back and forth in partners.

After lunch, the Grade 4’s went to Ms. Schmidt’s class to learn how to use the technology for the upcoming FSA’s and the Grade 5’s did their Daily 5 stations.

At the very end of the day, we had community time.

The journal prompt for this weekend: “If you had a pet penguin, what adventures woudl you go on? What would you name them? Write a story about this: Grade 4’s write 1 page and Grade 5’s write 1.5 pages please.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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