Friday, December 18th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Happy Last Day of School Before the Break!

I hope you have the most wonderful, relaxing, healthy, and safe holidays! 🙂 See you all in 2021! Thank you so much for the enormous support and wonderful gifts 🙂 I appreciate it so much!

Today, we started off with a desk clean-up. Students used the grocery bags they brought to store their things on their hook. If they didn’t bring a bag, they brought their desk contents home in their backpack because the janitors need the desks empty to clean over the break.

Then, I gave the students my gifts I handmade them. I started in the last week of September and it is my most ambitious homemade project yet. I always hand knit my students Christmas gifts and was so excited to see their precious reactions when I gave them my hand-knitted reindeer. 🙂 It made me so happy to see them happy.

Then, we watched Home Alone 2 and the kids went to Music. When we came back, we continued to match the movie and then did some frisbee games in Gym.

After lunch, we watched the assembly on Zoom and then continued watching the movie.

Happy Holidays everyone!

And thank you to everyone who brought candy for the party as well – it was a great day!



Ms. Wilks

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