Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Hi Everyone,

Today, we voted on a Christmasy movie to watch tomorrow – we are going to watch Home Alone 2! Then, they had more time to work on their Math work from yesterday, which is homework if not finished (sorry, I didn’t write down the question numbers while I was at school 🙁 ) Then, snack and DPA.

After that, we practiced some common questions and answers in French and then the students practiced asking students when their birthdays are and answering in French as well.

Following French, we had school-wide Bingo! It was so fun 🙂

After lunch, students did their Daily 5 stations and then had free time at the end of the day.

Students are invited to bring prepackaged snacks tomorrow if they would like and are reminded to bring a grocery bag for desk clean-up tomorrow.


Ms. Wilks

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