Thursday, November 19th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a quiet activity and then I read some poems from “Scary Poems for Rotten Kids” and “Baseball Poems” in order to provide more examples for the kids as we continue our creative poetry unit. The kids are doing a great job so far with their writing and illustrating of their poetry.

Then, we worked on writing a division equation for an array and reviewed how arrays relate to multiplication and division facts. I introduced the concept of halving and doubling in order to use  easy numbers to multiply while still balancing the equation. I told the kids that what you do to one side, you need to do the opposite to the other side in order to maintain the same product in the end. Then, students worked on their textbook work.

After Math we had snack and went outside for DPA. After DPA, I taught the students some beginner phrases in French – I practiced asking the kids what their name was and they would answer in French and we worked on how to say today’s date. Then, we wrote down days of the week and practiced saying these aloud as well.

The Grade 5’s then had a chance to work on “Class #1” of their Social Studies Projects and later reflect on their progress by being reminded to check if they accomplished what they needed to in that class or not and use their plan to guide them. The Grade 4’s worked on the Grasslands reading and wrote these notes in their biome pamphlets.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 groups and at the end of the day, Ms. Peddie came in and had students use the thesauruses in  partners to look up different more descriptive words they could use instead of some of the most common, “boring, overused” words.

Have a great night!


Ms. Wilks

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